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Our center has varies tutors that targeting on differnt area. Your Children will take a free assessment before his/her first lesson and we will assign the most appropriate tutor for your child.
How do I get a tutor?
We have students aged 5 – 20 years. Within this range, the full spectrum of capability is covered. The school level we covered are from kindergarten to VCE level. Moreover, we offer lessons to the audlt that new to Australia and wanted to improve their English communication skill.
What ages range do you teach
Yes, it does. Your children will receive regular test and you'll reveive regular progress reports. You'll also know it's working when your child's day school teacher notices a difference, in terms on both homework and lesson attitude.
Does tutoring work?
What if my child doesn't want to go?
This is highly unlikely, because your child will get to try out our free assessment. In our experience, it's usually love to stay and learn at our center because the study atmosphere and lovely tutor. And while your child is having a lesson , you can take a look around the centre.
Yes, homework is compulsory at our tutoring center. Homework sheets that match the topic of the current lesson will be given, or assign from the exercise book that tutor recommended. For best results, we recommend you encourage your child to to have 30 minutes homework per day for 5 days a week.
Is there homework?
Your child is welcome to bring homework to the tutoring session. While there won’t be time to complete it all, the tutor can discuss the homework task with your child and ensure that he/she is clear on what to do. After the lesson finished, we also welcome the student stay to do his/her homework by their own.
Can children do their school homework at center?
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