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Exam Preparation
Your Custom-Made Preparation Program
VCE & IB Exam
Scholarship Exam
Selective School Entry Exam
At Top-A Educaion Centres, we offer Custom-Made Programs for NAPLAN tests, private school Scholarship Preparation, preparation for entrance to Accelerated Programs and secondary schools such as Melbourne High School and MacRobertson Girls’ High School.

One-to-One (or Small group of 2-3 student) Exam Preparation Programs
Selective School Entry Exam Preparation
Numerical Reasoning - 30 minutes 50 questions
Verbal Reasoning - 30 mins 50 questions
Reading comprehension - 30 mins 60 questions
Mathematics - 30 mins 60 questions
Writing (Creative) - 15 minutes
Writing(Persuasive) - 15 minutes
VCE Preparation
Tailored made practice for SACs based on student day school schedules
Massive past exam papers from different resources
Mock Exams before VCE final exams
Scholarship Exam
Numerical Reasoning
Verbal Reasoning
Reading comprehension
General Ability
Writing (Creative)
Other Exam and test
Australian mathematics competition (AMC)